The Iteration Formulae of the Maslov-Type Index Theory in Weak Symplectic Hilbert Space


Li WU,Chaofeng ZHU.The Iteration Formulae of the Maslov-Type Index Theory in Weak Symplectic Hilbert Space[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2018,39(1):17~32
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Li WU; Chaofeng ZHU


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.11221091, 11471169) and the Key Laboratory of Pure Mathematics and Combinatorics, the Ministry of Education of China.
Abstract: The authors prove a splitting formula for the Maslov-type indices of symplectic paths induced by the splitting of the nullity in weak symplectic Hilbert space. Then a direct proof of the iteration formulae for the Maslov-type indices of symplectic paths is given.


Maslov-type index, Positive path, Iteration formula


53D12, 58J30
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