Deformation of Annuli with Smallest Total Weighted Energy
投稿时间:2021-09-07  修订日期:2022-09-24
中文关键词:  加权全能量, 加权调和能量, 加权偏差, ODE
英文关键词:Total weighted energy, Weighted harmonic energy, Weighted distortion, ODE
基金项目:自然科学基金 (No.11701459)和西华师范大学科研启动项目(No.17E088)
张琴 西华师范大学 数学与信息学院, 四川 南充 637009. 
冯小高 西华师范大学 数学与信息学院, 四川 南充 637009. 
摘要点击次数: 511
全文下载次数: 1359
      主要考虑如下加权全能量极值问题:inf/h ∈?(A1,A2)α?A1(|hN |2 + |hT |2)1/|h(z)|2dz + β?A1|hN |2 + |hT |2/J(z, h)1|z|2dz,其中H(A1, A2), 代表从圆环 A1 到圆环 A2 的所有保向同胚映射的集合.研究得到唯一的极值映射为径向拉伸映射. 这将 [Iwaniec T, Onninen J. Hyperelastic deformations of smallest total energy [J].Arch Rational Mech Anal, 2009, 194:927–986.]的结果推广至非欧情形. 同时, 也分别研究了圆环上的加权调和能量的极值问题与加权偏差的极值问题.
      In this paper, the authors mainly study the following extremal problem for total weighted energy inf/h ∈?(A1,A2)α?A1(|hN |2 + |hT |2)1/|h(z)|2dz + β?A1|hN |2 + |hT |2/J(z, h)1|z|2dz,where the class H(A1, A2) consists of orientation preserving homeomorphisms between annuli A1 and A1. They get that the unique extremal mapping is a certain radial mapping. This extends the result of [Iwaniec, T. and Onninen, J., Hyperelastic deformations of smallest total energy, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 2009, vol. 194, pp. 927–986] to non-Euclidean version. Meanwhile, they also consider the extremal problems for weighted harmonic energy and weighted distortion on annuli, respectively.
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主管单位:国家教育部 主办单位:复旦大学 地址:220 Handan Road, Fudan University, Shanghai, China E-mail:edcam@fudan.edu.cn
