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Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. B

  ISSN 0252-9599
CN 31-1329/O1


Sponsored by Fudan University appointed by the Ministry of Education of China
Edited by Editorial Board of Chinese Annals of Mathematics
Jointly Published by the Editorial Office of CAM and Springer-Verlag (with the
Help of SSTLP)
Printed in The People’s Republic of China
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
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Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. A

CN 31-1328/O1


Sponsored by Fudan University appointed by the Ministry of Education of China
Edited by Editorial Board of Chinese Annals of Mathematics
Published by Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Publishing House
Printed in The People’s Republic of China
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
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China by China International Book Trading Corporation (BM 480)
Address: China International Book Trading Corporation
35 Chegongzhuang Xilu, Beijing 100044, China
Fax 86-10-68412048
e-mail: zw@mail.cibtc.com.cn



ISSN 0898-5111

An English translation copy of selected papers published in Ser. A of CAM
Edited by Editorial Board of Chinese Annals of Mathematics
Published and distributed by Allerton Press, INC
Address: Allerton Press, Inc.
250 W. 57th St. Suite 2001
New York, NY 10107
U. S. A.
Email: cc_cheung@allertonpress.com


Organizer:The Ministry of Education of China Sponsor:Fudan University Address:220 Handan Road, Fudan University, Shanghai, China E-mail:edcam@fudan.edu.cn
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