Gradient Estimates for p-Laplacian Lichnerowicz Equation on Noncompact Metric Measure Space


Liang ZHAO,Ming SHEN.Gradient Estimates for p-Laplacian Lichnerowicz Equation on Noncompact Metric Measure Space[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2020,41(3):397~406
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Liang ZHAO; Ming SHEN


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11701277), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.2018M630550) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.NS2017048).
Abstract: In this paper, the authors obtain the gradient estimates for positive solutions to the weighted $p$-Laplacian Lichnerowicz equation $$ \triangle_{p,f} u+cu^{\sigma}=0 $$ on noncompact smooth metric measure space, where $c$ is a nonnegative constant, and $p,\ \sigma\ (1


$p$-Laplacian, Positive solutions, Liouville theorem


58J05, 58J35
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