Wedge Operations and Doubling Operations of Real Toric Manifolds


Hanchul PARK.Wedge Operations and Doubling Operations of Real Toric Manifolds[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2017,38(6):1321~1334
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Hanchul PARK;
Abstract: This paper deals with two things. First, the cohomology of canonical extensions of real topological toric manifolds is computed when coefficient ring $G$ is a commutative ring in which $2$ is unit in $G$. Second, the author focuses on a specific canonical extensions called {doublings} and presents their various properties. They include existence of infinitely many real topological toric manifolds admitting complex structures, and a way to construct infinitely many real toric manifolds which have an odd torsion in their cohomology groups. Moreover, some questions about real topological toric manifolds related to Halperin's toral rank conjecture are presented.


Real toric manifold, Small cover, Real topological toric manifold, Coho- mology ring, Doubling, Simplicial wedge, Rational homology sphere


57N65, 57S17, 05E45
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