On 3-Submanifolds of S^3 Which Admit CompleteSpanning Curve Systems


Yan ZHAO,Fengchun LEI,Fengling LI.On 3-Submanifolds of S^3 Which Admit CompleteSpanning Curve Systems[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2017,38(6):1373~1380
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Yan ZHAO; Fengchun LEI;Fengling LI


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.11329101, 11431009, 11329101, 11471151, 11401069) and the grant of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.DUT14LK12).
Abstract: Let $M$ be a compact connected $3$-submanifold of the 3-sphere $S^3$ with one boundary component $F$ such that there exists a collection of $n$ pairwise disjoint connected orientable surfaces $\mathcal S=\{S_1,\cdots, S_n\}$ properly embedded in $M$, $\partial{\mathcal S}=\{\partial S_1,\cdots, \partial S_n\}$ is a complete curve system on $F$. We call $\mathcal S$ a complete surface system for $M$, and $\partial \mathcal{S}$ a complete spanning curve system for $M$. In the present paper, the authors show that the equivalent classes of complete spanning curve systems for $M$ are unique, that is, any complete spanning curve system for $M$ is equivalent to $\partial \mathcal S$. As an application of the result, it is shown that the image of the natural homomorphism from the mapping class group ${\mathcal M}(M)$ to ${\mathcal M}(F)$ is a subgroup of the handlebody subgroup ${\mathcal H}_n$.


Complete surface system, Complete spanning curve system, Heegaard diagram, Handlebody addition


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