Tilings of the Sphere by Congruent Quadrilaterals I:Edge Combination a2bc


Yixi LIAO,Pinren QIAN,Erxiao WANG,Yingyun XU.Tilings of the Sphere by Congruent Quadrilaterals I:Edge Combination a2bc[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2024,45(5):733~766
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Yixi LIAO; Pinren QIAN;Erxiao WANG;Yingyun XU


the Key Projects of Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation (No. LZ22A010003) and ZJNU Shuang-Long Distinguished Professorship Fund (No. YS304319159)
Abstract: Edge-to-edge tilings of the sphere by congruent a2bc-quadrilaterals are classified as 3 classes: (1) A 1-parameter family of quadrilateral subdivisions of the octahedron with 24 tiles, and a flip modification for one special parameter; (2) a 2-parameter family of 2- layer earth map tilings with 2n tiles for each n ≥ 3; (3) a 3-layer earth map tiling with 8n tiles for each n ≥ 2, and two flip modifications for each odd n. The authors also describe the moduli of parameterized tilings and provide the full geometric data for all tilings.


Spherical tiling, Quadrilateral, Classification, Earth map tiling, Subdivision


52C20, 05B45
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